Next to Normal (Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey, directed by Noe Montez), produced by the Tufts University Department of Drama and Dance, Spring 2016.
Anything Goes (Cole Porter and P.G. Wodehouse), a paper project completed at Tufts University in the Spring of 2016.
From Orchids to Octopi (Melinda Lopez, directed by Natalya Baldyga), produced by the Tufts University Department of Drama and Dance, Fall 2014.
Antigone (Sophocles), a paper project completed at Tufts University in the Fall of 2013.
Directed by Allison Benko, produced by The No Name Collective, performed at the Alchemical. Photos Courtesy of Andrew Watkins
Outside of Eden (written by Helen Banner, original music by Grace Oberhofer, directed by Colette Robert), part of The Byzantine Choral Project, performed as part of the 2019 Ice Factory Festival at the New Ohio Theater. Photos Courtesy of Jo Chiang
A Doll’s House: A New Opera (adaptation and music by Grace Oberhofer, directed by Allison Benko), performed as part of the 2019 Corkscrew Theater Festival Downstairs. Photos Courtesy of Justin McCallum.
How I Learned to Drive (Paula Vogel), produced at Tufts University, Spring 2014.
The Glass Menagerie (Tennessee Williams), a paper project completed at Tufts University in the Fall of 2013.
A Midsummer Night's Dream (William Shakespeare), a paper project completed at Tufts University in the Fall of 2013.
Daybreak, dress for 108 year-old woman in the future, draped and stitched in the fall of 2015. Designed by Linda Ross Girard.
Or,, Nell Gwyn, pants drafted and stitched in the spring of 2014. Designed by Linda Ross Girard.